Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Meet the family...

We are having a lull in the action at the moment, so a quick update on what has been going on so far today.

We appear to have had two youngsters in 9a all day. They have been very restless, laying down in the hall, climbing over each other, changing position and generally making a lot of commotion. So cute.

There were several small ones milling about, then Nightshift came in briefly, and then went out with two babies in tow. Nightshift came back in leaving a very small chap munching away on the ATM. She then came down onto the patio and a couple of babies came down a few minutes later. Then Nightshift dashed up to the ATM and ran back down to the patio with the little baby trotting along behind. Nightshift went into 9c for a rest, leaving baby having a drink of water outside - for ten minutes. One thirsty hedgehog! Then Nightshift came out of 9c, seemed to be showing baby around the patio and then went back into 9c - and baby followed.

A few minutes later they were out. Nightshift went up onto the lawn and out of the ATM, leaving baby standing in the mealworm bowl. Looking at the cameras, baby's front feet looked rather large and floppy. We picked it up to give it a check up. The left foot just seemed to be covered in mud, but the right one we weren't quite sure about. There was some mud on it, but it also seemed at little fleshy. We gave both feet a rinse, and the right foot doesn't look right, but we didn't want to stress the poor little thing any more, so we put it back on the patio. We'll keep an eye on it.

We didn't get the chance for a good look, but we think she's a girl. No sign of ticks, which is good news, and she is absolutely full of life. We hope we didn't stress her too much but she seems OK. She's back on the ATM munching mealworms again. We certainly got the feeling Nightshift was showing her where to live. As we haven't seen Nightshift doing this with the other babies we have seen, we wonder if the others are not hers and are an older, already independent litter.

 At the moment, all is quiet...

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