Sunday 23 August 2009

A real treat

As it it a nice dry and comparatively warm evening, we've just been out live hedgie watching, and we had a real treat - a baby hedgehog. A tiny little chap, far smaller than any of the others. We wonder if it was one of Nightshift's offspring. He went zipping past the ATM and came in at the other entrance to the garden, exploring the top end of the garden for the first time. He was within 30cm of our feet, and then up on to the steps leading up to the ATM, across all of the mealworms, without even tasting one, and then out and back the way he came.

So, we've put some of the other hedgehog food out, which contains sunflower hearts and seeds, in case he prefers that. We've just had two more of the regulars with a bit of pushing outside the ATM, and one of them has just appeared in the lawn feeder. A very busy night!

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