Monday 7 September 2009

More lodgers

Just a quick update on last night before I start work...

Not so many visits at the front, but a long visit with two hedgehogs together for some of the time. One smaller chap, now christened Hughie because of his distinctive dot-dot-dash markings (.._ is Morse Code for U) has also been spotted in the back garden. The other larger hedgie at first sight looks very like Nightshift, but we need to study more closely.

The back garden was quite busy with lots of ins and outs. We definitely saw two successive departures from 9a. The occupants seem very restless, because there are lots of triggers in both the hall and the bedroom - independent triggers, so it looks like at least two in residence. Maybe the bedroom is so full (of straw or hedgehogs?) they are having to sleep in the hall?

There were two hedgies together on the rear patio, and a trigger of one on the 9c steps eating from the bowl, but no triggers of anything going in or out. There was definite activity in 9c, and it seems there is a hedgehog present at the moment.

There was also some activity in 9d, but there is no sign of one in at present - but it may be hidden under the straw. We will have to check the videos to be sure.

The night before last was much colder than last night, but we have more takers for the accommodation. It seems they sense it is time to start bedding down with a bit more shelter.

Yesterday was very quiet on the bird front - we put out the normal amount of bird food, but a lot of it was left last night - looks like they had a day out. The starlings made their usual noisy visit this morning, but they weren't here for their evening meal yesterday.

When we first put the plastic feeding station (9e) in position, the hedgies took to it immediately. A couple of young blackbirds also took to visiting regularly for the mealworms, which was doubly unusual, in that we haven't seen much interest in mealies from blackbirds, and the blackbirds are not the most daring of the birds around us. We were very surprised that the starlings hadn't been in. Well, a couple of days ago one starling found its way in, and a little later had brought a friend. We have seen a few more in, but it doesn't seem to regular... yet.

We had another "new" visit this week - a pair of sparrows. We haven't seen a sparrow in the garden for over a year. This pair are not here for long, but they do seem to be coming every day, and are making use of the bathing facilities we offer, as well as the dining facilities. They were even inspecting the bird box which the robins used earlier in the year.

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