Wednesday 7 October 2009

Indy settles in

Indy the Indecisive Hedgehog has made one decision - he's moving in to the new nest box in 9f. He just can't decide whether to use the left or right side, so he seems to alternate.

Here he is just emerging from his first day in his new home:

He likes squeezing under the narrowest part of the door opening instead of going through the wide bit.

Although he has taken up residence, he isn't always taking the easy option by nipping out for a snack of mealies. He did have several expeditions of three quarters of an hour or so, heading off in different directions, so he is using this as a base, but should still be getting a little exercise and hopefully finding some natural food.

Meanwhile, in the back garden, we had a full house again. Alfie is now back in 9b, so he just wanted to see his old friend Flatmate.

Nightshift seems to be dining outside 9a as much as anywhere, so Indy hasn't met her at the front, yet.

She likes a lie in, and rarely gets up before 9pm, even though she is awake, whereas Alfie is out around 7pm, followed soon after by 9d.

Nightshift and 9d came back together, and poor little 9d got bullied by Nightshift again, although he did get a bit of peace after she went to bed.

9d popped out for another quick snack a little later, and went into the wrong nest box afterwards. Nightshift didn't stir, fortunately, and he went back into 9d afterwards.

9d always seems to return home in a tearing hurry and quite often overshoots the nest box. We don't know if that's what happened this time, or if he's just a bit nosey. We did see him in 9b for a few minutes, in Alfie's favourite position - back legs in the nest box, snout in the mealworms.

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